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Kuhler Trooster DH © Annemarie Dekker-32.jpg
Kuhler Trooster shoot20feb © Annemarie Dekker-42.jpg

International clinic for mental health

Kühler & Partners International Mental Health provides mental health care. Our team of psychiatrists and psychologists take pride in developing your customized mental health plan.

As we do not offer treatment in Dutch, we advise native Dutch speakers to seek assistance with our colleagues at other clinics. Your GP can refer you to a Dutch mental healthcare provider in your area.

We kindly ask all of our patients to not come earlier then 10 minutes before the start of your session.

Locations in The Hague & Amsterdam

Click here for online direct registration

Or contact us by phone: +31 (0)85 066 05 00


International clinic for mental health

Kühler & Partners International Mental Health provides mental health care. Our team of psychiatrists and psychologists take pride in developing your customized mental health plan.

As we do not offer treatment in Dutch, we advise native Dutch speakers to seek assistance with our colleagues at other clinics. Your GP can refer you to a Dutch mental healthcare provider in your area.

We kindly ask all of our patients to not come earlier then 10 minutes before the start of your session.

Locations in The Hague & Amsterdam

Click here for online direct registration

Or contact us by phone: +31 (0)85 066 05 00

The Clinic

Kühler & Partners International Mental Health provides comprehensive specialized mental health care (SGGZ) by a team of psychiatrists and psychologists. We provide treatment in a number of languages including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Turkish, Norwegian and Serbo-Croatian. so no matter where you're from, we are here to support you. We even support travelling patients through our E-health facilities. 

Our first priority is to understand your specific situation, the challenges you may be facing and to provide immediate support. To do this, we ensure no or short waiting lists for individualised treatment that best meets your needs.  

We also have an established network of institutional partners available to offer additional specialised care during crises or emergencies. Among them, Arkin, a psychiatric hospital Amsterdam, is our partner in case of crisis and hospitalisation.

intake/First meeting

An intake is the first appointment you will have with us. You will meet one of our psychiatrists. Check our waiting time here or contact our front office to inquire about availability. Click here to get in touch.


We fully respect the importance of privacy and ensure the most confidential service possible. 



We provide a wide range of mental health services based on the individual's needs


We provide a wide range of mental health services based on the individual's needs

We provide a wide range of services such as: 

  • Diagnostics

  • Psychological counselling

  • Medical treatment

  • Psychotherapy

To get in contact with us, click here.

We also provide specialist services for organisations. Our clinic provides services such as:

  • Tailor-made trainings

  • Diagnostics

  • Coaching

  • Executive counselling


Who can apply for treatment:

All adults (18+ years) with a valid referral letter from a general practitioner or another mental healthcare institution. The referral letter must be for specialized mental healthcare (SGGZ) and contain clear need description.

As of  February 2020 Kühler & Partners International Mental Health expanded its services to include treatment for children from six to seventeen years old.

At Kuhler & Partners International Mental Health we also offer short term therapy in our BGGZ department. The intake and treatment sessions are completely online. You will have meetings with your therapist via Microsoft Teams. Benefit is that you do not have to travel to one of our clinics. The treatment consists of approximately 12 sessions after intake and is applicable for people with mild psychological complaints and no previous treatment history. We can help you with mild depression, anxiety, among others. The treatment is personalized, and your therapist will make use of evidence-based interventions to help you reach the agreed treatment goals. For short term therapy to be successful you need to be motivated to change and engage actively in your own therapy by doing homework assignments consistently.  

Please check with your GP if BGGZ might be an option for you and request a referral if you have a Dutch healthcare insurance policy.


Who cannot apply for treatment:

Unfortunately we are not able to provide suitable treatment for:

  • Serious addiction issues

  • Anorexia nervosa with a BMI < 17

  • Severe aggression issues

  • Acute suicidality issues

  • Severe psychotic disorder

  • Persons over the age of 65 years

  • We are unable to accept persons with intellectual disabilities

We do not work on single diagnostic issues without further treatment needs.

Please be aware that we do not provide long term treatments. Regular quarterly evaluations with your lead therapist will take place to determine if continuation of treatment is necessary or if you are able to continue without therapy.

View our treatments →

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Treatment Cost

Treatment Cost

Kühler & Partners International Mental Health is an official WTZa recognized mental health care clinic. It has the required quality statute (Kwaliteitsstatuut) and has a health care quality certificate (HKZ-Zorg Algemeen). Our treatment costs are according to tariffs (also called market rates) set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit - NZA). 

You will be billed for intake and treatment sessions you received, once a month. If only an intake has taken place, the intake will be charged. The invoice will be sent to you directly by e-mail, It is up to you to forward this invoice to your insurance company to claim reimbursement.

In principle, we bill the scheduled time of your session. If a consultation takes slightly longer or shorter on one occasion, the bill will show the planned time. If the difference between planned and actual time is at least 15 minutes, we will adjust this on the invoice.

Specialized mental health care is covered by the standard package (basisverzekering) if you apply to a clinic witha contract of your health insurance copmpany. However Kühler & Partners International Mental Health does not have contracts with health insurance companies. We are what is called a non-contracted healthcare provider. The actual amount of reimbursement you receive for treatment at our clinic depends on your current insurance coverage and your chosen own risk (minimum in 2024 is €385)  We recommend the insurance "restitutiepolis", as this offers total reimbursement of the NZA-rates.

We advise you to contact your health insurance company and check the coverage for specialized mental health care by a non-contracted, B.I.G. registered mental health care professional (or in Dutch: 'gespecialiseerde GGZ door niet-gecontracteerde, erkende BIG geregistreerde zorgverlener').

If you have an international health insurance, please check if your elligible for reimbursement and if other requirements are necessary (authorization before starting treatment, maximum sessions etc…)

Please contact your insurer before applying for treatment to prevent any surprises about reimbursement.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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Waiting time

Waiting time

Kühler & Partners International Mental Health strives for a no waiting policy. However, sometimes, due to high demand for new intakes, a waiting time arises for a short period of time. The information below will be updated on a monthly basis. For the most up-to-date availibility, we advise you to contact our Front Office.


Intake:  Start treatment:

12 weeks Approx. 15 weeks depending on type of treatment and therapist
There is a longer waiting time for some form of therapy (e.g. Schema / EMDR)

the hague

intake: start treatment:

3 weeks Approx. 16 weeks depending on type of treatment and therapist

BGGZ F2F and online intake: 3 weeks intake & 1 week waiting time for start treatment (F2F and online available)

Kids & Teens: no waiting time

Last update: March 12th 2025

Kuhler Trooster shoot20feb © Annemarie Dekker-42.jpg


Where you can find us


Where you can find us

The hague

+31 (0)85 066 05 00


Nassaulaan 5
2514 JS Den Haag


+31 (0)85 066 05 00


Amstelveenseweg 390, (entry is at Amstelveenseweg, not at Ijsbaanpad, were google directs you to)
1076 CT Amsterdam




online therapy

Online therapy requires your full attention and commitment. In order to benefit from an effective treatment, we expect you to be mentally present and prepared. This means that you will have to organize an environment that will allow you to be focused and concentrated. More specifically this involves:

- You have a stable internet connection and has tested the sound and camera in advance.

- You can attend the session from a private space: not from a public space or with other people (including young children) or animals present in the room.

- You have no distractions on the computer. Other programs are turned off including notifications. E-mails, chat- and text messages should not be read during the session.

No smoking, eating or use of alcohol or substances during sessions.